Monday, February 1, 2010


I got my haircut. Finally. Actually, got it done a few weeks ago, but only just got round to photographic evidence for y'all.


I now look like:

i) a fourteen year old boy
ii) a massive great lesbian (do I get my gay black belt now?)
iii) according to our landlady, a young Leonardo DiCaprio.

The first two I can't really complain about, as to be fair they do constitute a not entirely inaccurate description of me. But the third I am disputing - on the grounds that Leo is obviously far prettier than me...

Anyway, what do you think? An improvement over the Horrendous Lank Ponytail of Doom?


  1. So this must mean you braved the snippy snippersons at a hairdressers? Nice work. I feel like I don't even know you any more.

    Looks good, dude. Shades of Leo. There's someone else it reminds me of but I can't quite put my finger on it.

    Bit gay though.

  2. It looks well lesbian, and well fantastic. You have done well on your quest, I reckon (says the girl with the Horrendous Untamable Barnet of Excess).

    (This is Laura by the way, I have no clue why it won't let me log in or identify myself).

  3. Oh now it will, will it.

    Fine then.

    See if I even care.
